Saturday, June 30, 2018

What Are You Striving For in 2018?

What Are You Striving For in 2018?

Today is a special day. Today marks the midway point in the year. We have made it exactly halfway through 2018! We have the exact same amount of time left in this year than what has already passed us by. Even if we have used up half of the year we still have that much time AND more to accomplish what we set out to do! 

So the question we have to ask ourselves is WHAT are we focusing on? What are our goals and desires? If we haven’t checked them off the list, why is that? Do we really even need a list?

I have never really been a New Years resolution kind of person. At one time in my life I didn’t have any goals at all and I wandered aimlessly through each and every year never really growing or changing and never really accomplishing much of anything outside of seeing my children grow up and survive my parenting without too much emotional damage.

I believe that the MOST important goal or desire that someone can have is to grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally. All the other stuff falls into place when these things are improving. It’s amazing what improved physical health can do to your emotional health and vice versa. One of the things that I do that has consistently improved who I am and propelled my growth spiritually, physically, and emotionally is to read books and listen to others advice and words of wisdom. Another’s insight has a way of sparking our own understanding. One of the people who I absolutely love to listen to is Dr Wayne Dyer. I decided to listen to one of his videos today titled “Be Yourself, Do Not Give Up”. Like most of his work this one really spoke to me and I hope you will listen to it and it will speak to you too! 

These are the key points that really stuck out to me and I want to share with you! I’ll share the link at the bottom and I hope you will listen to it and let his words of advice guide you through the second half of 2018.

  • Do not operate from deficiency. Focus on the positives and be grateful for what IS good.
  • Everything that comes your way is a blessing. If something “bad” happens it could be leading to something better or opening you up for growth.
  • Everything that you see that isn’t from God was created by man and started as a thought! Your thoughts will do the creating so be careful of what you’re thinking!
  • Success is not something you GET in life it is something WITHIN you!
  • Always follow ethics over rules. Do what is right!
  • What you put out into the world is what comes back to you. What are you putting out there?
  • Knowledge over achievement. Knowledge is power!
  • Don’t let your goals become your obsession. Enjoy the moment. Practice serenity.
  • Honesty is a karma that goes out into the world. Be honest!
  • More is less. Find joy in every moment and don’t search for it!
  • Attitude is EVERYTHING!
  • Live in the Light!
  • Be LOVE! 
  • And lastly, forgiveness is VITAL on the path of enlightenment and growth!

Here is the video and I hope you take the time and watch it!
Peace, Love, and Health,

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