Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GreeningYour Life Takes Time..

It has been months since my last post and all I can say is wow! It takes time to green your life. I devoted many hours toiling in my spring garden only to lose almost half of the crops due to lack of water or pests. My fall garden will have irrigation in place before any planting is done to ensure a daily watering regardless of my plans.

I have yet to build rain barrels and am still searching for a free source of safe barrels to use. I have tried my local craigslist and even posted in our community freecycle ads looking for some but I may just need to pay to get that project started. I really think it is important to look for recycled products to use for as many projects as possible. There is way too much good stuff going to the dump and that is just sad!

The one "green" change in my life that is going really well is my recycling. I have my family trained well in knowing what items to NEVER throw in the trash. A weekly trip to the recycling bins keep the pile from getting out of hand. For those who have a recycling pick up, you really have no excuse just go for it! I recycle almost everything that comes into this house.

I had some disappointments with the produce I was buying from local stands. I noticed some had stamps from other countries and that is not good enough. I really think we need to have a local market set up that only sells local and surrounding produce. My husband and I made a trip to Plant City to pick up produce that is local the only drawback is that it is not organic. I am still searching for the perfect, low cost produce supplier close to us.

I am going to try and share more in the upcoming weeks of some projects I have going. I love to make things and I have inherited a stockpile of vintage crating items. I will be sharing some of the creations once I figure out what to do with it all. Happy Greening!