Monday, March 14, 2011

Modern Day Turning Points

As I sit there staring out my back window watching the rainbow of colors waving in the wind I could not believe that I had taken a step back in time. The colors all flapping in the wind as if to welcome me into this new way of life with a wave. In all my life I have never even thought about using a clothes line to dry my laundry. It wasn't until that message my Aunt Mary sent me just a week or so ago that sparked an interest in me that brought me to this point. She had purchased a clothes line and was excited about it! I have to say a thank you to her for bringing me to this simpler way of life. Living in Florida it really makes perfect sense to air dry laundry outside. With the heat in the summer time running a dryer in the middle of the day makes the a/c work even harder and not to mention adding to the excessive power bills because of the heating element. I did some research and found that the sun works great to disinfect clothing too! I also read that it is somewhat like exercise because of carrying the wet clothing out to the line and hanging them up burns calories. I will agree with that but I won't be cutting out any exercise regimes because of my new laundry methods. I will just look at this as an extra calorie burning bonus of air drying my laundry. I even hung a line in my laundry room to hang clothes if the weather was less than perfect. I have actually gone close to a week without using my dryer. I am so excited to see the difference in my electric bill next month. I had some hesitations about the freshness of clothing that had hung outdoors to dry and surprisingly they smelled great! For all of you that have been doing this your entire life, kudos to you! For those of you like myself who never considered reverting to a somewhat old fashioned way of doing things, you should definitely give this a try. I promise it is not that difficult:) This is so much better for the environment and if that is not a good enough reason for you then the savings should be enough to make you a convert.