Sunday, October 30, 2011

Repurposed Decorating and Crafting

We have been busy creating for our Etsy shop. Our main focus is repurposing items, recycling items, and using vintage and antique items to decorate and furnish homes. I love having unique pieces in my home. They are not only decorative but serve as a conversation piece too! So here are some of the things we have done recently.
This is a lovely headband with flowers made from vintage fabric and tulle. The fabric is actually a sewing notion (bias tape) shaped into a flower.
Here are a few more in different colors.
This is a vintage domino game piece that has been made into a charm. The domino dots are covered with faux crystals and then covered in a glaze.
These are adorable hair clips made with vintage lace and buttons. I love repurposing items!
This is barn wood that is over 100 years old! My husband mounted an iron piece for decoration and an antique glass doorknob to turn this into a wonderful coat rack.

Here is another coat or towel rack. This one is a repurposed piece of molding and acrylic glass look knobs.

Here is a king sized headboard made from the ends of a baby bed. What a great way to salvage the drop side cribs that are no longer deemed safe into something beautiful and purposeful. I was attached to this crib too because I loved the lines so dumping it was not an option!
Here is another one! Do you have any clothes that you have outgrown or are out of fashion but you love the fabric? This is a great way to repurpose old fabric and pearl necklaces. Nylon and silk fabrics can be seared on the edges and layered to create beautiful flowers. Add some pearls from a broken necklace and you've got a pin or barrette from repurposed items.

Next time you start to throw something away, take a closer look and see what you can repurpose it into. Learn to live green in all ways. Happy green decorating and crafting!
You can find most items listed here on my Etsy site at

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