Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Do Bunnies, Worms, And Trash Have in Common?

Organic fertilizer. This is the output of bunnies and worms along with kitchen scraps and yard trash. I am on my way to living greener and keeping some happy children too! My wonderful husband crafted us a bunny cage out of all recycled materials. We did not pay one dime for this cage. All the materials used were either recycled from other structures or leftovers from other jobs. The end result was a fairly nice habitat for some new pet bunnies we have yet to find. I will be adding a box and ramp for the bunnies soon.
This cage and the bunnies will serve two purposes. He built this structure over an existing compost pile. The bunnies will be adding nutrients to this compost pile while serving as great pets for the kids. This compost will be an excellent source of nutrients for our garden and the start of our next adventure....vermicomposting. We already have seen some big worms in the pile. We hope to get enough worms together to start out this worm bed. You would be amazed that this pile of kitchen scraps and yard waste really does not have a bad odor. This is in the back of the yard by the garden away from the pool and hangout areas. You really don't need a large space to do this.
There is no need to get fancy or purchase overpriced composting bins. Sit back and let nature run it's course. I will post some pics of the cuties as soon as I get them:)

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