Saturday, October 23, 2010

Homemade "Green" Laundry and Dish Detergents..BIG MONEY SAVERS!

I spent about 30 minutes last night making my homemade laundry detergent. It was easy and not too time consuming. I started by using 3 simple and cheap ingredients.

I purchased these three ingredients from my local Publix for around $6. I peeled the bar of ivory like cheeses and put in a pot with 4 cups of hot water.

After the soap was completely dissolved I added 1 cup of washing soda and 1/2 cup of borax. I mixed this up and poured into a 5 gallon bucket and added hot water to fill it almost to the top.
This is the final product! I used a measuring cup to refill a few laundry detergent bottles that were in my recycling bin. I washed a load of laundry last night and it worked great! They were fresh and clean and smelled good too.

I will store this in the 5 gallon bucket with a lid and it should last me a long time. My husband did some mathematical calculations and came up with the price per load in this recipe. He said it equates to less than 2 cents a load. You can't beat that!

I also made my own dishwasher detergent using the same products. equal parts of washing soda and borax in a container shake up and you have some really good dishwasher soap. I tried this too and the dishes were really clean maybe even cleaner than with regular store bought detergent. I used a large peanut butter plastic jar from my recycling bin and it works great to store and pour.

Give it a try! You can save lots of money and keep your house clean and be green:)

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