One way to help green up your produce would be to purchase from local produce stands which usually get their produce from nearby farms. Another way is to grow some of your own. I have a modest garden in my backyard that supplies me some of my produce but there is still some I need to purchase. I love to receive the gift of someone else's abundance and enjoy sharing mine too. We have had an awesome crop of greens this year and have been able to share with numerous people. I also have received oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and avocados from other people's crops. These homegrown fruits and veggies are almost always organic which is another awesome benefit.
Here is a picture of my most recent crops from my own garden and some that were shared with me.
I realize it is not always feasible to have fresh produce grown locally but during the times of year when we can we should utilize as much as we can that is locally grown or at the least grown within your own state. If everyone would change their shopping habits just a little we could make a drastic change in the amount of fuel used to move food from one place to another.
As far as your groceries go, enjoy:) Cook up some good, home cooked, preservative free, yummy dinner tonight! I have truly enjoyed having fresh veggies and herbs that I can pick as I need them. My husband and I are looking into organic fertilizer for our crops and we have some exciting and easy ways to make your own and we will be sharing them with you soon!
I'd love for you to do a guest post, for our blog, after Christmas! I know people would be VERY interested in green cleaning products. You've got a wonderful point, buying local produce means it's fresher and helps support the local farmers!
ReplyDeleteI would love to! By the way I love your blog!! I need some extra time to craft:)