Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Are What You Eat, Need Energy Now?

Do you feel like a big greasy cheeseburger? Have you ever heard that saying, "you are what you eat"? Well I tend to believe it to a certain extent. Have you heard the new scientific findings that people who consume more fruit and vegetables appear more attractive? They found that it affects skin tones and appearance. If you put junk into your body your going to get nothing but junk out of it. I'm not saying go to McDonalds and order a salad and yogurt parfait because that sounds healthy because that is still junk! Your body may continue to function while you consume piles of high fat, high calorie, high sodium foods that are loaded with chemicals to preserve and extend the shelf life but every little bit you consume affects some or all parts of each cell that makes you a whole.

When you are lagging and need an energy boost don't look for more coffee or energy drinks to help you out, change your eating habits and reap the benefits. Did you know dark chocolate contains energy boosting flavanoids that help to keep you alert. Enjoy a few ounces a day of 70% or more cocoa bars to give you a treat for your body and soul. Carrot juice is a highly cleansing and nourishing and improves blood quality which aids in relieving fatigue. Honey benefits digestion and is a quick energy booster. Make up a smoothie with some fresh pineapple, carrot juice, and some honey and enjoy a bite of chocolate next time you need a quick pick me up. Bee pollen is another great energy booster that contains fatty acids and amino acids that give an energy boost. I take this daily in the capsule form.

Sniff peppermint. Peppermint is used in aromatherapy to boost energy. Get a peppermint candle for your desk or workspace or use a drop of peppermint oil on your wrists to release the scent while your working. This is another safe energy boost.

I know there are some people that don't want to hear this but exercising actually increases your energy. Move and get your blood flowing to increase your energy and give you a boost. If you are at the office all day sitting in a chair, take a break and do some push ups or jumping jacks to wake you up and keep you going. That caffeinated beverage will only leave you in a slump later on.

I have found that when I consume foods that have no nutritional value they leave me feeling blah. When I eat fresh fruits and veggies and cook everything myself I feel so much better. It brings me to a place where it is not really a guilty feeling I get when I eat that forbidden food but a feeling of why on Earth do I want to eat this knowing how it will make me feel later. I promise you I do not go without. I love sweets and chocolate and I refuse to go without the foods I love. I have found ways to eat what I like but in a healthier form that the alternative.

Here is an awesome snack that has become one of my favorites:

1 Banana
2 tbsp crushed raw almonds
1 ounce chocolate, melted
Slice the banana in half lengthwise, drizzle chocolate over banana and sprinkle almonds on top. You can use a 70% cocoa candy bar and melt a square or two or use cocoa powder mixed with a little honey or sugar and a tiny bit of olive oil for drizzling consistency. This snack will satisfy your sweet tooth and it is good for you!

Here is another filling snack that will satisfy a sweet craving and leave you full for hours:

1/2 cup fresh pineapple and juice
1 tbsp honey
1/4 cup fresh strawberries
splash of carrot juice
2 ounces vanilla yogurt
blend until smooth, you can add other fruits or even fresh spinach and I promise it will still taste awesome and you are getting all those wonderful antioxidants and vitamins.