Sunday, October 30, 2011

Repurposed Decorating and Crafting

We have been busy creating for our Etsy shop. Our main focus is repurposing items, recycling items, and using vintage and antique items to decorate and furnish homes. I love having unique pieces in my home. They are not only decorative but serve as a conversation piece too! So here are some of the things we have done recently.
This is a lovely headband with flowers made from vintage fabric and tulle. The fabric is actually a sewing notion (bias tape) shaped into a flower.
Here are a few more in different colors.
This is a vintage domino game piece that has been made into a charm. The domino dots are covered with faux crystals and then covered in a glaze.
These are adorable hair clips made with vintage lace and buttons. I love repurposing items!
This is barn wood that is over 100 years old! My husband mounted an iron piece for decoration and an antique glass doorknob to turn this into a wonderful coat rack.

Here is another coat or towel rack. This one is a repurposed piece of molding and acrylic glass look knobs.

Here is a king sized headboard made from the ends of a baby bed. What a great way to salvage the drop side cribs that are no longer deemed safe into something beautiful and purposeful. I was attached to this crib too because I loved the lines so dumping it was not an option!
Here is another one! Do you have any clothes that you have outgrown or are out of fashion but you love the fabric? This is a great way to repurpose old fabric and pearl necklaces. Nylon and silk fabrics can be seared on the edges and layered to create beautiful flowers. Add some pearls from a broken necklace and you've got a pin or barrette from repurposed items.

Next time you start to throw something away, take a closer look and see what you can repurpose it into. Learn to live green in all ways. Happy green decorating and crafting!
You can find most items listed here on my Etsy site at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Green Crafting

I have finally put to use some of the wonderful items that I was given recently. I love making things especially when I don't need to run to Michael's or Lowe's to purchase anything. You can find something to make with just about any item you have laying around your house. I have even seen beautiful jewelry made from recycled milk jugs on ETSY. I was given boxes of sewing notions and some other craft items and so far I have come up with some pretty fun "Green" crafting.

For starters I had some vintage rick rack. I made some really cute flowers for barrettes using the rick rack as seen here:
I also have lots of fabric remnants so I made many flowers for hair clips by searing the edges, multiplying layers, and adding beads or pearls to the center as seen here:
I think I may use these for embellishments on picture frames too!

Another cool idea is scrabble tile pendants. Using old scrabble tiles, old magazines, and a few jewelry making supplies, you can make the cutest charms for necklaces or bracelets as seen here:
 This one I added a guitar pick to it for my daughter that is a musician.

I have many more ideas and will be sharing as I go but for now Happy Green Crafting!

All of my items are on sale at my Etsy shop you can see here: 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GreeningYour Life Takes Time..

It has been months since my last post and all I can say is wow! It takes time to green your life. I devoted many hours toiling in my spring garden only to lose almost half of the crops due to lack of water or pests. My fall garden will have irrigation in place before any planting is done to ensure a daily watering regardless of my plans.

I have yet to build rain barrels and am still searching for a free source of safe barrels to use. I have tried my local craigslist and even posted in our community freecycle ads looking for some but I may just need to pay to get that project started. I really think it is important to look for recycled products to use for as many projects as possible. There is way too much good stuff going to the dump and that is just sad!

The one "green" change in my life that is going really well is my recycling. I have my family trained well in knowing what items to NEVER throw in the trash. A weekly trip to the recycling bins keep the pile from getting out of hand. For those who have a recycling pick up, you really have no excuse just go for it! I recycle almost everything that comes into this house.

I had some disappointments with the produce I was buying from local stands. I noticed some had stamps from other countries and that is not good enough. I really think we need to have a local market set up that only sells local and surrounding produce. My husband and I made a trip to Plant City to pick up produce that is local the only drawback is that it is not organic. I am still searching for the perfect, low cost produce supplier close to us.

I am going to try and share more in the upcoming weeks of some projects I have going. I love to make things and I have inherited a stockpile of vintage crating items. I will be sharing some of the creations once I figure out what to do with it all. Happy Greening!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Greening Times Two

I have been doing a double in the green department. I started with two bunnies and one cage. We added two more bunnies so we needed a second cage. My awesome husband built another one last night with recycled materials of course! I started with one clothes line and realized that our laundry filled one up too quickly so we added another one. By the way, I love these clothes lines because they are not always in view. I just stretch the line across the yard to a hook and when I am done it reels back up. It is like this one below.
 A great investment for about $15 a piece from Home Depot. I have only used my dryer one time since I purchased the first one a month or so ago. I have broken the doubles when it comes to compost piles. With the addition to the new bunny cage comes another compost pile.
We are finally starting the worm bin and I cannot wait to get some worm casting tea to fertilize the garden. The plants are doing good so far. I did use an organic pesticide recently because I noticed lots of baby grasshoppers around the beds. The pesticide was a mixture of sesame oil and fish oil. The odor wasn't great but much better than the toxic alternative.

I completed one of two furniture refinish projects recently. The first is my new china cabinet as you see here.

 This was a very unattractive piece of furniture, in my opinion, before the refinish. My patience paid off. I wanted a larger cabinet to house my glassware and couldn't find one I liked and didn't want to buy new wood to build one. I kept it green by waiting for one I could change up a bit and make it work! I am pleased with the outcome. The next project is curbside entertainment center find that is probably 8 feet long and 6 feet high. This one will take a little longer to complete but it will be worth it in the end. It truly is rewarding to be green:)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Modern Day Turning Points

As I sit there staring out my back window watching the rainbow of colors waving in the wind I could not believe that I had taken a step back in time. The colors all flapping in the wind as if to welcome me into this new way of life with a wave. In all my life I have never even thought about using a clothes line to dry my laundry. It wasn't until that message my Aunt Mary sent me just a week or so ago that sparked an interest in me that brought me to this point. She had purchased a clothes line and was excited about it! I have to say a thank you to her for bringing me to this simpler way of life. Living in Florida it really makes perfect sense to air dry laundry outside. With the heat in the summer time running a dryer in the middle of the day makes the a/c work even harder and not to mention adding to the excessive power bills because of the heating element. I did some research and found that the sun works great to disinfect clothing too! I also read that it is somewhat like exercise because of carrying the wet clothing out to the line and hanging them up burns calories. I will agree with that but I won't be cutting out any exercise regimes because of my new laundry methods. I will just look at this as an extra calorie burning bonus of air drying my laundry. I even hung a line in my laundry room to hang clothes if the weather was less than perfect. I have actually gone close to a week without using my dryer. I am so excited to see the difference in my electric bill next month. I had some hesitations about the freshness of clothing that had hung outdoors to dry and surprisingly they smelled great! For all of you that have been doing this your entire life, kudos to you! For those of you like myself who never considered reverting to a somewhat old fashioned way of doing things, you should definitely give this a try. I promise it is not that difficult:) This is so much better for the environment and if that is not a good enough reason for you then the savings should be enough to make you a convert.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Backyard Gardens

I have been so busy in my backyard that I haven't posted in a while. The bunnies have already multiplied. We purchased two more because they are simply the best pet you could have and they are extremely adorable. We have a second compost pile because when you are not eating out of a can or box there is lots of food scraps to add to the pile and one was just not enough. Needless to say with two new bunnies and a new compost pile there will soon be another bunny cage over that pile too.

We have been busy planting too. We have added a peach tree, two blackberry bushes, and five blueberry blushes. We also have planted corn, spinach, onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, sunflowers, lemon balm, more basil, and mint. We are working on the remainder of the veggie space so that we can get the rest planted soon. So far our plans are to add beans, potatoes, squash, and zucchini.

Since our garden is not producing much as of now we took a trip down to Venus yesterday afternoon to stock up on some organic produce. It was so cool to see all the great looking veggies picked right out of the ground and then served up for dinner just a few hours later. Talk about some great fresh tasting food! I will be picking the rest of the collards and purple mustard green to make room for some more plants. Those two have been the easiest to grow yet. The collards were huge and we never fertilized or sprayed them with anything. You really can grow without chemicals. I keep asking my husband if we can grow bananas in our yard but he says it is not wet enough. I may try anyways considering we consume about 5 a day in our house.

Our next task is a chicken coop. We are working out the details right now. We will probably start with 5 or 6 chickens. We will have plenty of eggs when they start laying so we can share with family and friends. I am looking into ducks because I heard there is a possibility Eli can eat duck eggs if he is allergic to chicken eggs. How wonderful that would be for him to be able to eat eggs. I could actually bake him a cake with eggs! I have to talk to the allergist first. I don't want to experiment on him and make him sick.

I will be posting some pictures soon if the outdoor spaces we are working on. Honestly I have been so extremely busy I haven't had the time to take any pictures. I am enjoying every second of it though!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Do Bunnies, Worms, And Trash Have in Common?

Organic fertilizer. This is the output of bunnies and worms along with kitchen scraps and yard trash. I am on my way to living greener and keeping some happy children too! My wonderful husband crafted us a bunny cage out of all recycled materials. We did not pay one dime for this cage. All the materials used were either recycled from other structures or leftovers from other jobs. The end result was a fairly nice habitat for some new pet bunnies we have yet to find. I will be adding a box and ramp for the bunnies soon.
This cage and the bunnies will serve two purposes. He built this structure over an existing compost pile. The bunnies will be adding nutrients to this compost pile while serving as great pets for the kids. This compost will be an excellent source of nutrients for our garden and the start of our next adventure....vermicomposting. We already have seen some big worms in the pile. We hope to get enough worms together to start out this worm bed. You would be amazed that this pile of kitchen scraps and yard waste really does not have a bad odor. This is in the back of the yard by the garden away from the pool and hangout areas. You really don't need a large space to do this.
There is no need to get fancy or purchase overpriced composting bins. Sit back and let nature run it's course. I will post some pics of the cuties as soon as I get them:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Are What You Eat, Need Energy Now?

Do you feel like a big greasy cheeseburger? Have you ever heard that saying, "you are what you eat"? Well I tend to believe it to a certain extent. Have you heard the new scientific findings that people who consume more fruit and vegetables appear more attractive? They found that it affects skin tones and appearance. If you put junk into your body your going to get nothing but junk out of it. I'm not saying go to McDonalds and order a salad and yogurt parfait because that sounds healthy because that is still junk! Your body may continue to function while you consume piles of high fat, high calorie, high sodium foods that are loaded with chemicals to preserve and extend the shelf life but every little bit you consume affects some or all parts of each cell that makes you a whole.

When you are lagging and need an energy boost don't look for more coffee or energy drinks to help you out, change your eating habits and reap the benefits. Did you know dark chocolate contains energy boosting flavanoids that help to keep you alert. Enjoy a few ounces a day of 70% or more cocoa bars to give you a treat for your body and soul. Carrot juice is a highly cleansing and nourishing and improves blood quality which aids in relieving fatigue. Honey benefits digestion and is a quick energy booster. Make up a smoothie with some fresh pineapple, carrot juice, and some honey and enjoy a bite of chocolate next time you need a quick pick me up. Bee pollen is another great energy booster that contains fatty acids and amino acids that give an energy boost. I take this daily in the capsule form.

Sniff peppermint. Peppermint is used in aromatherapy to boost energy. Get a peppermint candle for your desk or workspace or use a drop of peppermint oil on your wrists to release the scent while your working. This is another safe energy boost.

I know there are some people that don't want to hear this but exercising actually increases your energy. Move and get your blood flowing to increase your energy and give you a boost. If you are at the office all day sitting in a chair, take a break and do some push ups or jumping jacks to wake you up and keep you going. That caffeinated beverage will only leave you in a slump later on.

I have found that when I consume foods that have no nutritional value they leave me feeling blah. When I eat fresh fruits and veggies and cook everything myself I feel so much better. It brings me to a place where it is not really a guilty feeling I get when I eat that forbidden food but a feeling of why on Earth do I want to eat this knowing how it will make me feel later. I promise you I do not go without. I love sweets and chocolate and I refuse to go without the foods I love. I have found ways to eat what I like but in a healthier form that the alternative.

Here is an awesome snack that has become one of my favorites:

1 Banana
2 tbsp crushed raw almonds
1 ounce chocolate, melted
Slice the banana in half lengthwise, drizzle chocolate over banana and sprinkle almonds on top. You can use a 70% cocoa candy bar and melt a square or two or use cocoa powder mixed with a little honey or sugar and a tiny bit of olive oil for drizzling consistency. This snack will satisfy your sweet tooth and it is good for you!

Here is another filling snack that will satisfy a sweet craving and leave you full for hours:

1/2 cup fresh pineapple and juice
1 tbsp honey
1/4 cup fresh strawberries
splash of carrot juice
2 ounces vanilla yogurt
blend until smooth, you can add other fruits or even fresh spinach and I promise it will still taste awesome and you are getting all those wonderful antioxidants and vitamins.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Resolutions, Going Green

I subscribe to Mother Nature Network through my Facebook account. They have some great articles on living green. The most recent one was on New Years resolution tips for going green. There were some great ideas that I wanted to share. You can check out the page here:

Many people want to take better care of their health and their finances in the new year. The biggest benefits of going green can be the financial savings you will see and the health benefits. It just makes sense to live green in the new year. So take a moment and read up on these simple steps broken down month to month for 2011.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Still Getting There!

Despite the fact that I have made just about everything homemade this past week my trip to the recycling bins could have proved otherwise. My bins were full! I have finally convinced my husband that diet Coke is not good for him so hopefully all those cans will begin to disappear:) (They actually already have) So where does all the other stuff come from? Cereal boxes, milk containers, and toilet paper and paper towel rolls to name a few. Sorry, but I do not see myself cutting any of those out. I will continue to recycle and hope that the difference made is enough to justify the things I am not willing to go without.

I have enjoyed the cooking and the eating of all the foods I've made this week. Take a look at all these goodies.
I made a fresh pizza with a whole wheat crust. I made whole wheat hamburger buns and reused leftovers for mini pizzas. The hamburgers were made with organic beef and homemade avocado topping. I actually made a spinach quiche with a whole wheat crust. I just substituted olive oil in place of the vegetable shortening and whole wheat flour instead of white. It wasn't as pliable so I pressed into my pie dish and it worked great! The easiest dish of all is potatoes and onions cooked in a splash of olive oil with rosemary sprigs. Wow these are so good. I actually added carrots last night and sprinkled cheese on top and served with whole wheat flax seed rolls for the meal. If nothing else my family is not eating preservatives or a diet high in sodium or bad fat.

I have to say if you are going to make most of your foods homemade there are a few kitchen appliances that are a must. I could not go without my KitchenAid mixer, my Cuisinart food processor, and my Vitamix blender. These 3 products are awesome! I have had them for years and they work great. It is so well worth the extra money to buy a good one than keep replacing cheap ones (this is green too!). I have had my Cuisinart processor for probably 13 years or more. I can make smoothies, soups, breads, sauces, and so much more with these.

I am not posting recipes this time. Most of my recipes I come up with by using ones I find online and tweaking them to make them healthier. There are others posted on earlier blogs.  I ALWAYS use olive oil. I never use vegetable oil for cooking because olive oil is so much better for you. I replace eggs some of the time with egg replace for Eli. I have started using whole wheat flour instead of bleached white flour for the health benefits. It really isn't difficult to change out ingredients and get a good result. I hope this will get you cooking and trying healthier alternatives. And as always keep checking back for more green living ideas!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Healthy Eating is Living Green, Recipes Included!!

So I was asked to do a guest blog for my cousin's craft blog this month. She and a friend do all kinds of really cool crafts and projects and have a very extensive list with instructions and pictures. You can see their blog here:
The blog I did is below. I wanted to share some healthy eating alternatives that are considered green. I hope you enjoy:) Be sure to check out their blog to get some great ideas for decorating, crafting, and some recipes too!

 I have been experimenting with only home cooked foods and I am going to share some of my ideas with you. My goal is to not buy anything in a package other than the staples and some hard to produce items.

I have been on a journey to living a more green life. In this journey I have begun changing the eating habits of my family. My interest is piqued any time there is a new health news report on foods or eating habits. Having a son with multiple food allergies has also raised my awareness of the ingredients in the prepackaged foods we purchase. I have found the only way to feed my family the best and control the exact ingredients in the food we eat is to make it myself.

My son Eli was allergic to dairy and soy for the first year and a half of his life (I say "was" because he has since outgrown the soy allergy). He is also allergic to eggs, nuts, and a few other foods. There was only one brand of frozen French baguette's that he could eat because they did not contain any dairy, egg, or soy. This began my "basic foods" home cooking. I started making my own pizza crusts, rolls, and bread so that Eli could enjoy some of what the rest of us were eating. I realized that it was not only easy to bake these basic foods myself but it really didn't take much time either. The taste was unbelievable! It is unnerving the amount of ingredients and preservatives that are in some basic foods such as bread and pizza dough. Anyways this started my experimenting and opened my eyes to some healthy alternatives to pre-packaged foods.

When I grocery shop I pretty much buy the basic staples and anything that I cannot create myself within a reasonable budget and time frame. Anything I buy prepackaged I always check the ingredients to make sure there are not lots of fillers or unnecessary ingredients. Here is a great site you can find info on all those hard to pronounce ingredients and what to look for and avoid:

Some of the things I have started making from scratch are tortillas, bread, waffles, pizza crusts, sweets like cookies and pies, and seasonings like chili and taco seasoning. My shopping lists usually consist of staples like flour, sugar, sun butter, rice, meats, eggs, milk, spices, nuts and seeds and apple juice(this is something I have not found a way to produce better or more efficiently than the manufacturers). I try to buy my produce from local produce stands or farms to keep it green. I have found that in doing this my grocery bill has decreased and the amount of money we spend on eating out. These savings are a great way to buy some organic products that typically cost more.

My next big recipe will be making fresh cheeses. I haven't done so yet but my mindset is "if it can be done, I can do it myself". I am currently looking for somewhere to purchase unpasteurized goats milk so that I can make some that the entire family can enjoy. Below you can find some of my recipes and try them out yourself. I do most of my baking dairy and egg free so you can always substitute real eggs and dairy where I use egg substitute and soy or rice milk. I have found that this way of cooking and preparing meals it great for a budget and your health. You will find you can be very satisfied with your meals and at the same time be consuming less calories and sodium than if you were using prepackaged foods or eating out and consuming no nitrates. I even sneak in fresh spinach in my brownies and anywhere else I can hide the vibrant color from my older kids. I always use fresh veggies as my fillers in homemade breads, sauces, soups, and even meatloaf. This is a great way to get picky kid to eat their share of veggies sometimes without even knowing:) Enjoy!

Fresh Salsa
3 fresh tomatoes
1/2 medium onion
1 green chili
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp vinegar
Blend all ingredients in a food processor and serve

Homemade Hamburger Buns
2 tbsp dry active yeast
1 cup plus 2 tbsp warm water
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg replacer
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 to 1 cup of fresh chopped spinach
Dissolve yeast in warm water, stir in oil and sugar - let stand 5 minutes. Add egg replacer, salt, white flour, and 1/2 cup of wheat flour as needed to prevent dough from sticking to your hands. Fold in spinach. Knead 5 minutes. Divide into 8 pieces, shape into a disc. Let rest for 10 minutes. Bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes.

Turkey Chili
1 lb. ground turkey
1 green pepper chopped
1 onion chopped
1 zucchini chopped
1 yellow squash chopped
3 tomatoes chopped
1 can tomato paste (you can substitute tomato soup for a healthier option or homemade tomato sauce))
homemade chili seasoning to taste (recipe below)
Saute turkey and veggies in a dash of olive oil. When cooked thoroughly add tomatoes, and tomato sauce and season. Simmer for at least an hour to let all the flavors meld.

Homemade Chili Seasoning
1 tbsp paprika
2 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1 tsp seasoned pepper
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried oregano
Store in an airtight container and season chili to taste. You can double or triple the recipe to save on time and have a larger amount on hand.

Pizza Crust
1 cup warm water
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil
3 cups flour
1 pack quick rise yeast
Top with favorite pizza topping and bake at 425 until browned.

Zucchini Lime Carrot Bread
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 cup sugar
1 cup finely shredded unpeeled zucchini 
1 cup finely shredded carrot
1/4 cup olive oil
1 egg substitute
1/2 tsp lime zest
In a mixing bowl combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, baking powder, and nutmeg. In another bowl combine sugar, shredded zucchini and carrots, olive oil, egg substitute, and lime zest and mix well. Add flour mixture and stir until combined. 
Pour batter into a 8x4x2 inch loaf pan and bake at 350 for 55 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Great for a healthy breakfast alternative to pancakes or poptarts.